Oltiin eilen Porvoon kaikkien rotujen koiranäyttelyssä. Papillonit arvioi Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki. Jenny esiintyi mielestäni erittäin hyvin. Jenny sai ERI:n, SA:n ja oli paras narttu eli tuloksena siis ERI, VAK1, SA, PN1, VSP!
Lintuparvi yllätti kesken JH-kisan. The flock of birds surprised among junior handler -competition. |
Junior handler -palkinnot - The junior handler -prizes |
In Porvoo 10.9
We were in all breeds dog show in Porvoo yesterday. Papillons' judge was Mr. Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki from Finland. Jenny got excellent, CQ and she was the best bitch, so results were EXC, CH1, CQ, BB1, BOS!
After the breed ring, we went to the junior handler -ring. The junior handler judge was Ms. Nina Janger. The review went well and the judge put me and Jenny to the next section! There were 15 racers and I was ranked to the fifth place with Jenny! The judge wrote that she appreciated the peaceful and beautiful way in presenting.
Rotukehän jälkeen - After the breed ring |
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